3 Products You Need In Your Skincare Routine

Do you want to start a skincare routine and you don’t know where to start?

There are soooo many skincare and beauty products out there….from eye creams to serums and toners and essences. But what do you really need? Like really really need?

As with most things in life, it’s good to start with the basics and then build from there. Here are three items you definitely need in your skincare routine.

1. Cleanser

The first step of almost any skincare routine is to clean your skin. 

Throughout the day, your skin collects sweat, dirt, pollution in the air, and more. You may also apply makeup that sits on your skin for hours.

A cleanser will help you remove all of this off your face.

Think of your skin as a canvas for a painting. You usually don’t want to start painting on a canvas that already has artwork on it. The same thing goes for your skin.  You want a clean canvas so that everything that is put on afterward can work its magic.

Generally, you can wash your face when you wake up in the morning and before going to bed in the evening. If your skin is on the more sensitive or dry side, you can decide to cleanse your skin at night and then rinse with water in the morning. 

2. Moisturizer

After you cleanse your skin, and gently pat your face dry with a towel (avoid rubbing your face, because that can irritate your beautiful skin), you’ll want to moisturize your skin. 

Cleansing may remove some of our skin’s natural moisture while also removing the gunk we don’t want (like sweat, extra oil, dirt). Applying a moisturizer helps replace some of that lost moisture so that your skin doesn’t get too dry. 

If you have oily skin then you might think you can go without a moisturizer because it makes your skin more oily. The thing is, your (normally oily) skin will still notice that it’s dry after cleansing. It will then think it needs to make more oil to moisturize your skin. Basically, your skin thinks it’s too dry now so it produces more oil, which may not be what you want. Applying a moisturizer can help show your skin that it doesn’t need to produce any oils right now.

Moisturizing your skin will help rebalance it so that it doesn’t get too dry or too oily.

3. Sunscreen

Last but not least, your routine needs sunscreen. It will help protect your skin from the damaging effects of the sun, like sunburns, skin cancers, dark marks (also known as hyperpigmentation), and early aging of the skin.

Everybody and every shade likely needs sunscreen…yes, even you : ) 

Whether you’re deeply melanated, pale, or somewhere in between, your skin needs protection because the sun can be a bit too strong for our skin. 

There are many different types of sunscreens out there. They’re all given a grade to show how much they protect our skin from the sun. This grade is known as a sun protection factor or SPF. In general, a good everyday sunscreen is one that has an SPF of 30 or higher


So there you have it. Three items everyone needs in their skincare routine. A cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen. 

From here you can add on other products that focus on your personal skin concerns, like a toner for acne, or a serum for extra hydration, or eye cream for dark circles. 

You can also have more than one type of cleanser, moisturizer, or sunscreen. I sometimes use one cleanser in the morning and then a second, different cleanser at night. You can customize your routine to address your specific skin needs and preferences.  

What cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen are you currently using? Or which one do you plan on adding? Let me know in the comments!

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Take care : )



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